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Services of each section are as follows:

1. Center Headquarters consist of 2 employees: a director and a secretary.

2. Research Section 

  • Research: we encourage teachers in Taipei city to engage in practice-oriented educational research.  We also conduct policy research or program evaluation in order to inform educational policy-making at the district level.
  • Publications: to provide quality instructional materials for teachers, we collect pedagogical resources, edit, publish, and disseminate teaching materials. In addition, we dedicate the constructions and maintenance of websites that serves to teachers' professional development, such as the Online Education Newsletter and the Multimedia Teaching Resources Website.
  • International exchanges: we regularly have international exchanges both to share our experience of in-service education with and to learn from different education systems or countries.
  • Other government commissioned tasks: the Department of Education of the Taipei City government has entrusted this center with the Taipei Quality School selection, the Taipei Education 111 Benchmark School selection, and the Taipei Honored contributors to education selection to assist the promotion of development of  major education policies in recent years.

3. Academic Affairs Section:

  • In charge of the planning of training or education programs, the selection of trainees, the publication of learning materials, course arrangement, the assessment of participants and other related academic affairs. 
  • Main responsibilities include the preparation of school leaders, such as the principal candidates and middle leaders at junior high and elementary school levels; various professional growth training activities for teachers, the 7 listed below are grouped by type and level: infant education, school administration, educational administration, curriculum and instructions, emerging issues, ICT education and educational research.

4. General Affairs Section:

  • The general affairs section is in charge of official documentation, procurement, maintenance/repair, cashier affairs, property and general management. They support training and background administrative tasks such as teaching, research, and counseling.
  • According to the Affairs Management Manual, they send, receive,  collect and destroy documents; conduct recruitment, supervision and assessment of guards, clerks and cooks; manage cash and  funds; the building and invalidation of property; purchase property, labor and  constructions according  to the Government Procurement Act.

5. Guidance Section:

  • In charge of the counseling of participants, providing participants with consultation and information services, organizing teacher growth group workshops, counseling training lecture series and teacher friendship events as well as other counseling affairs.

6. Personnel Section:

  • In charge of organization regulations, personnel transference, evaluation, rewards, punishment, retirement and compensation.

7. Accounting Section:

  • In charge of the accounting of the center, year-end businesses, the planning and approval of budgets, authentication of basic documents, control of budget use, accounting affairs, and conducting supervision according to the Government Procurement Act and other related accounting affairs.